Monday 23 April 2012

bottle garden gets another letter from the council

I have spent the weekend giving my garden a really good clean and tidy front and back
I received another letter from the council thanking me for removing the jam jars from along the fence and replacing them with CDs. but broken glass in areas of my garden, means I am breach of my tenancy agreement which states:4.3 if the property includes a garden or yard, you must keep it tidy and/or well cultivated.
I have removed all broken glass and taken it to the tip with other rubbish
 the only broken glass I have not removed is an integral part of the above piece of Artwork. in this piece I have used bottles whole and broken used to represent how our society throws away so much that is perfectly good dismissing its remaining use and/or beauty. Totally unable to understand that something broken could have some use. I also think we treat people like this. I will change this piece so that the broken glass is safely contained in the tank.

 does this look  untidy and/or not cultivated.

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