Thursday 28 November 2013

gargoyles and others,

I carved Gorgeous George in response to two different projects; Dark Matter at Trinity and Gargoyles at Chelmsleywood.

The head of a mythical beast

The size compared to the viewer is important, you have to be able to imagine climbing in.

A very human choice, safety or danger
Elizabeth Frink  looks at this theme in her early work on  the Goggled head.
She talks about warriors; a necessary defence in tribal society yet has the potential to destroy the tribe.
This can be seen in modern society( military coos; Arab spring), as well as ( on a much smaller scale) our choices in daily life. in other words, we gamble.

Goggled Head 1969
Elizabeth Frink
Originally  I made George with massive fangs, but the breeze block crumbled. 

Once I removed the fangs (a risky business), I was able to open up his mouth to produce a better sculpture