Friday, 24 August 2012

Developing my back garden

since the disagreement with the neighbours I have left the front garden alone. Letting the bushes and grass over grow leaving the CD tee pee which now I feel looks like an elderly royal dropping off to sleep in their finery
I have been gradually using my back garden less and less as I felt like I was on show. this came to a head when a member of next doors extended family stood in their garden shouting at me in my kitchen. I put up a bit of a CD screen and more gazebos. next door kindly put up a netting screen.

I am so happy, it has totally changed the feel of my garden

A Kitch net curtain is fun

I now spend most of my time outside developing my sting weaving

creating sculptural forms and letting the bind weed and nettles grow up

I'm away for a week I'll photo it when I get back to see how much the plants have taken over

Miriam's Big Beautiful Flowers


Prolific Artist Miriam works with me at trinity has been developing her paintings at home during the summer

large acrylic painting  from real flowers I like the use of colour and space around the subject 

Miriam's progress is stunning
Miriam has been working with me in my garden taking her ideas of colour and form into 3D

Sunday, 12 August 2012

A shocking display of petty spite boardering on criminal vandilism

yesterday I returned home after taking a short walk and a pint with a disabled friend(a visually inpaired MS sufferer)to find this mess 
there was a thick high hedge dividing me from the large noisy family next door, a bit of a buffer and a back drop for my sculpture

I've put up with their children constantly throwing things over and climbing in. so I had not trimmed the hedge too much as a softer more sculptural feel suited my garden better

when I naturally complained the parents weren't available and I was told I was a mad and my garden was an eyesore by members of the extended family. when I did speak  to the father he told me to get over myself and started insulting my friend, with adults like this no wonder the kids are a nuisance.

This is their garden now, its been a mess for over a year

I will have to biuld some form of screen as I have lost alot of privacy