Thursday 25 July 2013

Dolly the sheep Visits my garden

Dorothy Biddle, who sadly died last year is an inspiration to us all. .When most people are planning to take it easy, Dorothy did a fine art degree, taking on every creative opportunity she could, with great energy and enthusiasm. I was reminded during open studios just how many people she connected with.

Bella meets Dolly  

Dolly the sheep was made by Dorothy Biddle from an old sofa has become for me her iconic symbol Dolly often pops up at The Edge exhibitions.

Dolly looks quite at home amongst the bottle trees

Friday 12 July 2013

Basket bird

basket bird now on exhibition at Arnold lodge school
A mixed media piece, I added the sparkle  to inspire the children's imaginations, it looks like an illustration from a story.
 CDs and fairies will be removed as the plants settle in, when it's relocated in my garden

the original idea goes back to mother and child theme; a lot of parenting is purely functional, I use domestic furniture to represent this e.g. a chair or basket. the flowers represent new life.

I got use to driving with basket bird on the roof of the micra
a modest start to basket bird

Willow basket