Thursday, 23 February 2012

Blue Period

 Recently I have been attending Cruse counselling sessions.
Discussing mainly my Dads death last year, running up to his birthday at the end of the month.
When we will be getting together as a family, to scatter his ashes on a local walk.. For me it is a time to remember him say a final good bye and thank you. It gives me somewhere to go when I need to remember the most significant male influence so far in my life.

 Whilst grieving I have been surrounding myself with old bottles craving the blue green light. This week I felt I needed a little healing as the weekly sessions are bring up a lot of raw emotions.I decided to limit my palette to the colours I crave, and the bottles as a theme.

Gradually intense purple has taken over.I couldn't find a connection at first, then ; Purple worn by people conected with authority or religion.; Catholic Church, Confession being freed from guilt. At Cruise I have been dealing with the guilt of another significant death in my life.

I've bee craving the blue in Hockney's pool pictures

The Blue Period (Spanish: Periodo Azul) is a term used to define to the works produced by Spanish painter Pablo Picasso between 1901 and 1904, when he painted essentially monochromatic paintings in shades of blue and blue-green, only occasionally warmed by other colors. These somber works, inspired by Spain but painted in Paris, are now some of his most popular works, although he had difficulty selling them at the time.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

making a lovely mess

Thurs morning I went bottle collecting because I felt bad about dad
as usual I came back filthy but better; the glass comfort blanket effect

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Grow your own workshop

Finally my willow has arrived ready to be planted on Friday
My very very good friend Jac will be doing the work
She helps me every month or so, always on a Friday and the weather always turns freezing.
Thanks Babe

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Catholic Dilemma

Up date;principal
The head of a local catholic school got his Two costumes were banned by the head, both used condoms in their design. The students message was the use of condoms protects against contagious diseases.

What exactly does the head think he has achieved by his actionknickers in a twist over a costume made of condoms,
thanks Anonymous  any photos?
This week Jim Ferguson  head of Trinity Catholic school banned a student from appearing in a performance put on by the art department on Thurs 9th Feb. The student was very upset.  She is a hard working polite student and her costume/artwork  fitted beautifully this years theme contagion. It beats Lady Gaga by miles
FP 6784580 Gaga Lady AAR 021711 150x150 Lady Gaga condom dress (PICTURE)

The only reason I can see for Mr Ferguson reacting like this is the catholic stance on no condoms.
I tried to find out about the official Catholic line on the use of condoms. It seams about as clear as mud. Any young catholic in this country will have to face the dilemma follow the pope or live in the real world. I left the church along with my brothers and sister as a young teenager after being forced to attend mass every week by my father.But the main reason  I left the Church was the constant clash between the" Rules" and what I believe to be right...
Don't you think The Pope and Lady Gaga have similar costumesPope Benedict XVI leads a consistory in
The Guardian UK and World news User comments Web News
Catholic church tries to clear confusion over condom useOfficial says 'lesser evil' in areas of HIV contagion risk, but congregation gives mixed reaction to announcement
Share 192 reddit this John Hooper in Rome, Xan Rice in Nairobi and Owen Bowcott, Tuesday 23 November 2010 21.43 GMT Article history
Pope Benedict XVI says that condom use is acceptable 'in certain cases', notably 'to reduce the risk of infection' with HIV. Photograph: Alberto Pizzoli/AFP/Getty Images
The Vatican today paved the way for the widespread use of condoms by Catholics, stirring impassioned theological debate among his millions of followers across the world.
In an attempt to clarify the confusion caused at the weekend by the leaking of differently translated passages from a book of interviews with the pontiff, his spokesman used its launch to signal that condom use is acceptable as a lesser evil where there was risk of HIV contagion.
Across Africa reaction to the statement exposed the divergence of views within the Catholic church. The pope's amplified comments may have created a doctrinal dilemma for hardliners.
Matthew Ndagosa, archbishop for the Kaduna diocese in Nigeria, where Catholicism is thriving, said: "Everybody is misinterpreting the Vatican. People have made up their own minds on this issue and are twisting the words to fit them.
"Holy father's message was clear – there is no change in policy. The church will continue to believe that the indiscriminate use of condoms encourages promiscuity and aggravates the situation."

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


 Dream 2008 sale £270
 A fairly large carving made from a single piece of London plain a common street tree in Leamington Spa. the Bear or dogs head was suggested in the ordinal log. Its based on a dream of riding an enormous dog. Dogs are a regular theme in my dreams. I think the are meant to represent friends I have a lot of good friends, we go on adventures. On some adventures regretfully  and I have lost dear friends, I can only learn lessons from these and move on.( I appear to have some guilt issues round dog/friends; must work on this.)  Again my brother Matthew was my first adventuring friend, as we played in the garden and local Worcestershire countryside
I carved this piece very slowly developing the design as the wood seasoned. this process took about 5 years.
 Last great adventure 1999
A small bronze, illistrating how I felt about the state of my marriage. originally carved in plaster then cast in bronze. I sold it to a local Coventry artist Colin Dick.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Once I caught a fish

Here is another depiction of things biting me.This time I blended personal themes with the local myths. the title reefers to play group stage of mother hood I was experiencing at the time. The stone is rather strange and I'm sure unqunic to Shetland. Robbie a stone mason friend found  deposit of this stone north mainland he picked up some very soft almost furry looking pieces of stone that polished in his pocket. He bought this piece.
 Leaping Fish was made from the same stone ( 2000/2) 20cm length 9cm width 15 cm high £70 email