Monday, 30 January 2012

snake called dyslexcia

This sculpture I carved while living in Coventry.
Carved from a piece of  local Lime I scrounged when the council pollarded the trees down a street near by.
lime is a nice wood to carve its relatively soft wood but doesn't split like pine.
This carving is 35cm long15cm high and14cm wide.
 For sale £170 email
I have manage to avoid being swallowed by this particular snake
this hand is my little brother Matt who despite being diagnosed with me by Aston University never learnt to read fluently. Despite this he was a skilled salesman and studying art in London before he tragically died 1989.    I Started to sculpt in response to the grief I felt and shortly after I learnt to carve.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

watching the weather

a magical sign on FriI'm constantly mending my workshop, weighting it down and taping it up.  when we have storms I feel like Ellen MacArthur
 Ellen MacArthur
I must order some withys to plant very; the longer the saplings are in the ground before sping the better.
The idea is to plant some willow windbreaks and weave them into shape over the year.
forecast Feb cold spell.  

woolgather Art Prize 2012

Description of work

Sculpture of a female torso in coloured wax, 35cm high and 20cm diameter.

This sculpture has a classical feel influenced by, the Catholic Church’s depictions of the perfect woman /Madonna, the Greek, Venus di Milo and Degas, Little Dancer.

The coloured layers in the wax reminiscent of marble a very classical material.

The “First self-portrait” was inspired by the death of the artist’s father summer 2011.

The lack of permanence in the unstable wax appeals to her. Symbolising our own temporary ness or mortality, of which we are reminded, whenever someone close dies.

Due to the unstable nature or the medium, Helena has take a cast from the wax so another version can be made in plaster and eventually in bronze.

Degas, Little Dancer.

Venus di Milo

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Big Fat Pot

While teaching ceramics Rugby 2011
 we looked Picasso's wonky pots and Grayson Perry recent work.
this is a very large coil pot I made to demonstrate the tequnics. I am interested in what is a Pot and what's sculpture.Big Fat Pot, 28cm high 20cm diameter, for sale £90 email

Grayson Perry,Village of Penians 2001Grayson Perry, Village of Penians, 2001

Saturday, 21 January 2012

attempt to cast from wax

This is the second attempt to cast from wax.
the first one was a single piece mould, from a small wax maquett of two figures dancing.
It was very hard to melt away the wax compleately, as it melts into the mould when

 layers of latex over the wax

 plaster jacket in two halves

take off two plaster sections
pitty the plaster crunbled, but should work

 peel off laytex

the plaster needs drying and straping together

the laytex will line the plaster cast then we pour in extar strong plaster

Saturday, 14 January 2012

front garden to folk garden

The Front Garden, wild life area looks neglected but it isn't.
This year it's going to have a make over to celebrate artsweek 2012.
The aim is to create a folk art Bottle Garden

only problem is I never quite get round to starting gardening  is like housework: I can easily ignor,
There always something more important more interesting to do.
extra help is needed!

Monday, 9 January 2012

bottle cocoon (hugs continued)

Weaving pods to hold glass, good to contain and display brocken glass. I grabed left over xmas decoration and wove it in to strengthen it, so bottles don't get droped if I haven't got the weaving right. I like the magpie approach, look at birds nests Bowerbirds - Photo Gallery - National Geographic Magazine fantastic! Bowerbirds are known for their unique courtship behaviour, the males build a bower structure in an attempt to attract a mate. Some species, even decorate their bowers by collecting and arranging objects of a specific colour scheme.   

Sunday, 8 January 2012

trees in intchy jackets (hugs continued)

Tree looks like its wearing an uncomfortable jacket given at Xmas by a well loved relative

Sunday morning bottle collecting

Got some nice ones and about 150 for bottle trees.
Ta Si for helping me wash them.
Red rag to a bull

Friday, 6 January 2012

glass comfort blanket

When feeling very up set over dad I needed to get some form of comfort.
I found an old bottle dump that had been dug for saleable bottles. I collected loads of beautiful but common Victorian bottles. bottle collecting took me back to my childhood in Worcester when my relationship with my dad was simple and loving. since then I have wanted to make a wall or blanket out of these bottles.
I have also dreamt about digging up bottles and whole rooms of old objects many times.
I used bottles to create a wall on my work space an experiment how these bottle coupe with winter weather.
I will use this idea again in the future.

Bottle trees historically protected homes from evil spirits by trapping spirits inside the bottle, where they could do no harm. Bottle trees to ward off evil spirits originates from congo slaves moving to the southan states

WOW Must find out how to put a link in

"hugs" summer 2011

"Hugs" a subject on my mind after dads funeral, I felt everyone wanted to hug me just when I needed personal space.

 Slightly stressed hugging couple
 Mother huging child in wax
Dancing or fighting  in wax

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Classes at trinity

Trinity Catholic School
Guys cliff Ave L/spa CV32 6NB

Classes at trinity continue this year wed 6.30-9pm & thurs 5-9pm
Sessions are designed to develop your personal creativity working along side other artists.
Working at your pace to explore a variety of materials and techniques, learning painting & drawing skills, some sculpture, as well as the use of modern technology when relevant.
Bring what you have, we’ll discuss what you need and where to get them.
If you are interested in attending, or have questions don’t hesitate to email or ring me;

Helena Godwin 01926743358
                                                           holliday pictures;
                                                         Di Lewis

                                                  Out of Kim's window 1
                                                Out of Kim's window 2

discusting sculpture

disgusting sculpture
disgusting sculpture is an experimental sculpture using all the chewing gum i chew this yeah. I started this after talking with Amanda about how much you consume in a year and how I never know what to do with it;
rather symbolic most of our  household waist.
so revolting as it sounds I will create from this common material

OMG........2nd jan

storms over night have ripped up 2 of my gezebos
this happens every now and again, the plastic rots. I've been using gezebos in the garden since I lost my studio space under an old railway arch about 4 years ago. Council did the arches up now nobody uses them.

we can rebuild; I'm going to look at growing a willow workshop/covered area.